Thursday 29 March 2007

Tuesday 27 March 2007

Why has mom gone to Iceland?

Elizabeth become hungry, rather quickly, whilst we were out and about yesterday. We decided we better get her some food fast-ish, if we didn't want earache. The only shop around was Iceland.

Iceland don't sell baby food.

So if they don't sell baby food, why exactly does mom bother going to Iceland?

Sunday 25 March 2007

What happens if you let a 1yr old loose in a chocolate factory?

Today we visited Cadbury World. The trip could have been a disaster, as when we arrived the queue to get non-reserved tickets were enormous. So much so, that when you got your actual tickets, you had to wait two-hours before you could go inside. That's two hours with nothing to do but look at a shop, and a cafe. The predicament I was in was that we had to be back to pick Lisa up from work at five. We were in the queue at 12.30. We were looking at an admission time of 2.50, giving us 1hr and ten minutes to do the whole shebang. Thankfully the person in-front of us in the queue balked, and when I told the ticket woman our predicament, she sorted us out with some "hush hush, join the back of the 1'o clock queue quietly" tickets. This was nice of her, as we wouldn't have managed to feel sick three and a half-hours later, and I wouldn't look like I had been assaulted by a dung-flinging horse. All was fun though, as you'll see:

In the courtyard

Queue Action.

Ghosts of St. James

I'm being turned into chocolate.

Kaleidoscopic Kirsty in the Happiness Room

Coronation Street.

Dip Dip Dive.


Ye Olde Perrymonster

How I chuckled, at nearly £30 for the day!

Tuesday 20 March 2007


They didn't take my tooth out, after all the psyching up that I went through. They've given me some different anti-biotics. These one's, they failed to tell me, make you drowsy. Fine, no problems with that at all, only it would've been nice to know that before I took them, as I have driving to do today!
The painkillers have now ceased to work also!



I'm off to the dentist today.
I have another abscess in my mouth, although the lump itself seems to be behind the tooth on the roof of my mouth, as opposed to the bottom of the tooth.
Once upon a time I'd have let it just hurt for weeks until the abscess dies, but I've kind of got over my phobia. Still shaking though. Wasn't meant to be in until tomorrow, but I just called and hoped for a cancellation this morning. The painkillers wear off in about 20 minutes, so it should be agony just in time for the visit, which means that it'll be all the more gratifying.
Wish me luck.

Monday 19 March 2007

Ha ha ha ha ha.

From XL/Beggars Banquet -

"Hello All,With unbridled enthusiasm for the June release of 'Icky Thump', has printed a North American tour routing that holds no semblance of reality. Indeed, it looks like their journalists simply found and printed the tour routing the band did in support of their 2005 release, 'Get Behind Me Satan'."

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Tuesday 13 March 2007

Whilst on the subject of getting a life....

A pic from Mark's 30th on Saturday


To all people on internet land who have loads of internet friends, yet no real friends. To all the type of people whose sole purpose in life is to bitch and moan about people that they feel safe that they'll never meet, to improve their worthless ego. To everyone who takes everything they read on the internet 'oh so literally'. Here is my message to you:

Ha ha ha.
