Friday 21 September 2007

Charity Shop Bargain

A bargain from a charity shop in Brownhills. A classic slab of vinyl from the worlds greatest rock band, and at only a fiver! Break like the wind.

Saturday 15 September 2007

Anime Manga Convention

Today we went to an Anime/Manga/Fim convention in glamorous Telford. Lots of people meandering about in costumes was the order of the day, and both Kirsty and Elizabeth loved it. I enjoyed it too. Quite a surreal moment occured when I was having my picture taken with the bad guy from Raiders of the lost arc, someone kept getting in the way, so I asked the person to move, and he didn't. Then the bad guy from raiders (he's not an actor, he's the bad guy from raiders, with uniform and accent in check) had a go at the person two. Me and the bad guy from raiders arguing with a mongoloid kid!! Result!!
We also met Pinhead from hellraiser (looking somewhat like Victor Meldrew), some girl from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (which I don't watch, as I have both good taste and a fiancee) along with various people dressed up as all sorts of characters that I have no idea about. Finally, on returning to my crappy rover, I found a car parked behind it that maybe, just maybe, is in worse condition!

Tuesday 11 September 2007

That Josh Freese Drum Show......

Seems that Trent Reznor's NIN drummer, Josh Freese, has been moonlighting as a camp daytime tv /soap opera star.

Monday 10 September 2007

Why has Brad Pitt and Anjelina Jolie

stole our baby Elizabeth?......... They'll return her soon, willingly, as I'm sure they'll get sick of hearing twinkle twinkle minnie mouse, or sick of the felt-tip pen and biro all over the sofa.

Sunday 2 September 2007

Lizzie Pop

It's been a good day today. Lisa had the day off work so we went to a couple of car boots. I bought an album that I used to have on tape back in 88, 'Hip hop and rapping in the house'. It's abysmall, but fun to listen to for old times sake!

The bargain of the day was a 1st edition, unclipped, UK hardback copy of Iain Banks first book, The Wasp Factory, with immaculate dust jacket. 20p. Ebay price - £100!! Result. I also bought a tacky mona lisa (see blog title pic), which I love! Elizabeth got a guitar, though she's been thrashing it around like Aaron North (NIN). She's obtained her first guitar mauling injury too, a nice little shiner. That won't teach her!