Monday 14 January 2008

The end of the affair

The affair in question being that of me posting blogs with absolutely no narrative, just a photo and somewhat discombobulated title.

I'm no longer too fed up, just cynical and bitter. In other words, business as usual!!

Sunday 13 January 2008


This is my Uncle Rich. He bought a new laptop yesterday, and I sorted it out for him. This post is a glorified test to show Rich how it all worked. Still, don't he look young for 49!!

Saturday 12 January 2008

JosephL.Mankiewicz's 'PeopleWillTalk'

I've been getting into some old films lately, just for a change of pace and attitude. Elizabeth woke me up at the crack of dawn and the film above was playing on Sky Classics. I decided it'll send me to sleep. What I wasn't expecting was fantastic dialogue!! Great film. Rent rent rent.

Friday 11 January 2008

Books, Elizabeth, Lighting and Work

I love crime and punishment, so i'm now reading The Devils (aka Demons aka The Possessed). So far it's not doing much for me.
Elizabeth's been keeping me amused.

Have you noticed the rain?

The council have fitted new streetlamps that make it possible to read dostoyevsky with all the lights off in the house, at midnight. Cheers council, it's not like I have a game getting to sleep as it is!!!

Oh, and I'm on the prowl for a job again.

Thursday 10 January 2008

Sleep Deprivation

Did you know I have sleep problems? Paralysed upon awakening, and dreamy. Not a nice situation, in days of yore they thought that it was a demon sitting on your chest (!!!)

Tuesday 8 January 2008

David Lynch

It's annoying being a fan of David Lynch and being in the terrible position of living in the U.K.

You see, I feel as if all the good stuff is being held back from me. It seems as if we here in the U.K will never get Twin Peaks season 02 or the definitive gold box on DVD. Getting hold of Eraserhead is a nightmare.

Getting hold of Twin Peaks fire walk with me and the straight story is equally nightmareish if you don't want to pay silly money for them. Sure, you can order them from the US, but that's not the point. You would think someone of Lynch's Calibre would make his work more available. Inland Empire!!!! Look at the features on the US Version in comparison the the vanilla-ish UK edition. Another case it seems of ignoring the fans in the U.K.

Did you also know about David Lynch's coffee?!?!? Well, it's only £9 ish for a bag, and all the money goes to his film institute. Problem is, if you live outside the U.S., the cheapest postal option from the postal service that David Lynch's website use, charges a paltry £50 for delivery!!!!

Why don't he make more of his film works available on his site and change the postal service he uses? Ultimately everyone would be happy, Lynch would make more sales, the film institute would make more money for it's foundation, and fans worldwide will be able to get hold of the films that have made David Lynch such a unique figure.