Sunday 27 June 2010


It's 2.55pm, England are about to play an important world cup knockout match with Germany.

The neighbours have taken this opportunity to play their music so loud that all the lyrics can be heard over our television. Of course, they've opened their front door so the whole street can hear them too.

Doris, two doors up, has complained to them about this. Obviously they paid attention to the needs of the environment around them. Oh, no they haven't.

Wednesday 23 June 2010


And so it's the 23rd of June, it's 11pm on the dot, and the parents have just got home. I know this because you could hear them coming up the street, they then decided to have a loud chat on the doorstep, go in the house (after slamming the door) only to re-emerge five minutes later for a good loud chat on the front again.

Daughter comes back - all start rowing.

Tuesday 22 June 2010


18.00 - a neighbour a next door but one asks me if I'm having trouble with our next door neighbours, as she's had to complain to them about thier music volume/incessant shouting. Her house is 10 feet away from theirs, ours is affixed. I tell her we have had trouble, and that I've spoken to them a couple of times, mostly politely, and once not so. I also told her that I've spoken to their landlord, who doesn't care one iota. My next door but one neighbour tells me that when she complained to them, she asked if anyone else had complained, to which they replied no-one had. So they must've forgot about my complaints then?

So for now I'm writing down all instances of them being a pain or nuisance. Not because I'm petty, but I want a record of it - as if it carries on, we're going to have to go to the council to make a complaint, and I want evidence to back up that complaint. Thankfully, our next door but one neighbour is backing me (and vice versa).


23.30 - teenage girl/boy return with 2 female friends. Talking loudly, throw things at car over the road. One female friend sits on my car bonet. Just as I get my shoes, they all enter the house. Make a noise, throw things on wooden floor/against wall.
Go Quiet.


00.30 Parents return home and talk loudly for 10 minutes in adjacent bedroom.