Saturday 17 July 2010


Mom and dad neighbour have stood outside the bedroom window on the path, talking loudly for 30 minutes to a friend with a dog, who won't stop barking (the dog that is).
I'm on the pc (as you can tell). The minute anyone wakes up, I'm going to unleash a right warning upon them.
(They've gone in as I'm typing).

Thursday 15 July 2010


They've waited for our kids to go to bed, and put their stereo on. Some dodgy R&B rubbish. As always, I shall hold out until 10pm. If they're still making a row at 10, I shall go round and politely ask them to turn it down/off.
If it continues, I'll call their landlord.

Monday 12 July 2010


Last night, my American neighbour was chatting away with us, when he asked me how we cope with our neighbors. He said that they drive him mad and that he had to keep his windows shut to drown out their noise.
He lives FIVE doors away from them!

Today the dad has started to smoke right in front of our front door, and you can smell the smoke for two rooms. May have to have a word again.

At the moment (7.35pm) they're blaring their music which they seem to do whenever we play any music. The difference between us and them and our regime of loud music, is that we only ever have it loud for short bursts, and NEVER before 10.30am, or after 7pm, as opposed to their 'whenever we feel like it, who cares about anyone else' approach.

Thursday 8 July 2010


It's been a bit of a quiet spell, you may have noticed. But alas, it's 10.45pm and now they're back, milling around on the front doorstep, right underneath our bedroom window where Lisa and baby George are currently trying to sleep, shouting, talking very loudly and just generally being a nuisance.
More to follow, most likely.