Tuesday 24 August 2010


The last week has seen the return of the bleach blonde woman - the shouting has slowly but surely started to build up again.
Two nights ago, ELEVEN of them were standing around outside making a row.
Tonight, they decided 10.20pm was an acceptable time to put up shelving. Alongside our bedroom, where a 5 month old and his tired mom is trying to sleep. I hammered the wall back to let them know there were people in our room that needed a bit of courtesy shown towards them. They went mad, and seemingly everyone in their house took to hammering the walls, like rapists in a prison banging the cells when a policeman walks past.
That said, they stopped banging about 5 mintues later, after what I assume to be a few sulky bangs to show that they're not stopping for us.
If they carry on, I shall go round and knock the front door and politely ask them to have some respect. I shall record the conversation on my camera, just so that it's recorded that I am asking for a bit of respect, in an equally respectful manner.

They've woken both Elizabeth, and Lisa up. I went into the street to see if I could view first hand what exactly they were banging at - they are putting up wardrobes. Wondering what to do, or to put it another way, trying not to go mental at them - to collect my thoughts and calmly ask them to stop, I stood in the doorway of our house. Luckily someone came out for a cigarette, not sure who as it isn't one of the people who actually live there (who do?). I asked him, rather curtly, to shut up with the banging and have some consideration for the neighbours - we have a five month old trying to sleep, and they've woken our children up twice already. He extended a hand and apologized. I accepted because I'm civil and polite (or is that stupid?) and we'll see what happens next. Any more banging and I will phone up their landlord first thing in the morning.


Still banging, and talking loudly whilst they construct the worlds 'longest time taken to construct' wardrobe. Landlord to be called!