Sunday 26 May 2013

26th May - Can't our kids play in their own garden?

Today George (3), Elizabeth (7) and myself (37!) decided to make the most of the rare sunshine, and play piggy in the middle in our own garden.

The voice from next door boomed

"Bill, we're NOT going to have a nice relaxing day now are we"
full of malice.

I replied

"How dare you, George, be three and play in your own garden"... and then carried on regardless.

We are not being in any way noisy.

Occasionally the ball hits the fence.

"Carry on, Carry on" says Mary menacingly.

I don't know what her probelm is. The fence isn't even attached to her property, they've erected a concrete fence behind our fence. They are just troublemakers, and I'm meant to be letting my blood pressure drop due to health issues - they're just winding me up, and they know it.

13th May:

The sticks in the garden out the front of our neighbours house were pointing into the road. As I swerved around a parked car to pull into our drive, it caught the car and scratched the side from one door to another.

I didn't complain, there is absolutely no point. I took photo's though. I also removed the stick a couple of times, but they keep putting them back.

When I went to the hairdressers yesterday, they asked if I was the one who had removed their stick and thrown it near the shops, which I didn't. They said, they're not surprised, as Bill & Mary are having a pop at everyone at the moment. The latest victim is the fella with the blue BMW, they've told him not to park outside their house. It is a public road. He can park wherever he wants as long as it's not infront of their dropkerb driveway, which it isn't.