Friday 8 November 2013


8th November.

I was on the school run, in my car. Lisa was picking up Elizabeth from her school which is situated nearby. Lisa went on foot, as normally I pick Elizabeth up. As they walked home, our neighbours Bill and Mary were walking about 20 metres ahead of Lisa and Elizabeth. They got to our house, noticed my car wasn't on the drive, they stopped, stared, then bill got to the centre of the driveways end, and spat a great globule of spit onto our driveway.

Lisa didn't confront them about it, as she knew it only gives them ammunition to start harassing us even more. Plus she was gob-smacked.

No pun intended.

Vermin - 25th October

Lisa's birthday - what should come through the post? Nope, not a card - A letter from the pest control division of Sandwell Council - it seems a neighbour had reported that we have rats in our garden. We don't have rats in our garden. They have also reported the corner shop for the same thing, despite me having photographic evidence of the neighbours dumping their own rubbish into the corner shops garden, as to give them ammunition to complain about these non existent 'rats' with.