Tuesday 29 April 2014

April 29th 2014

It's a sunny day. I have my music on, not overbearing, but enough to hear it in the garden (which is right next to the stereo) whilst I hand the washing out. Neighbours are in the garden, mowing the lawn. When they stop mowing, I hear Mary raise her voice in my direction, as always..
Mary: "oooh Bill, where's that loud music coming from" Sarcastic in tone.
Bill: "inaudible chuntering".

It's impossible to not have them whinge. You may say 'they're old, let them whinge', but me and my family are entitled to not be wound up every time we enter our garden. If they're not moaning at us for music in short and not excessively loud bursts, it's the kids playing 'too loudly', or it's the 'smell of the cigarette' when Lisa has a cigarette.


Tuesday 1 April 2014

April Fools Day


I put our Chevrolet onto our drive as it's Sorned and can't keep it on road. We've put it near our front window so that we can keep an eye on it whilst it's uninsured, and so that we don't have to put the bins there, foolishly thinking our neighbours wouldn't like bins right next to their garden. The car is the lesser of two evils as it doesn't make a smell!

Our neighbour Mary came out whilst me and two friends were safely putting the car onto our drive, which has quite an incline;
"You can't park that there" !!!

She had a face like thunder.

I casually replied that "'you're never happy... you asked me to move it from road"
(just three days prior she asked me to move it from the road so she cut cut the verge, I said I would do so in the week when it can be done safely)

Upon daring to talk to her, I  got called a degenerate, told I should stop pratting about all day (that would be doing school/nursery runs and housework), and should get a job. She then pointed out no tax on the car, I told her that it's Sorned, to which she replied "Well there's going to be trouble" as she ran her finger across her throat!!! 

I told Richard and Marcus who were helping me, please stop me from snapping at her. Thankfully my cool remained 95% in tact. 

I don't know whether to call the police or just let it lie?