Friday, 31 August 2007

NINE INCH NAILS: Night 2 - Wolverhampton.

Wolverhampton rolls up, and gig wise, it's not as exciting as Birmingham Academy was, although the band did have their huge LCD screen and played The Great Destroyer, incorporating the noise element of Happiness in Slavery into the mix, which was a set highlight. I had a bloke behind me who's girlfriend was just over five foot, so being a corteuos kind of man, I stood in-front of the bloke, even though it was 'tight'. After a few tracks the bloke started moaning at me, so I had to tell him i was trying to do his girlfriend a favour and that if he was slightly more corteous to his partner, she's understand this. He just grunted and realised I was getting angry. I hate it when you try to be polite to people and they just take it for granted. So I ranted at him, he backed away and I went to the balcony to get these crappy pics!

(above pic from



The Beginning Of The End



Terrible Lie


March Of The Pigs

Gave Up

The Good Soldier



Me, I'm Not

The Great Destroyer



La Mer

Into The Void

No, You Don't

The Day The World Went Away

Down In It

The Hand That Feeds

Head Like A Hole


Wednesday, 29 August 2007

NIN - Brum

Birmingham Academy - 28/08/07. Joint best gig i've seen NIN play, the other being the self-destruct tour at Wolves back in 94.

Setlist: (as memory serves correct)


The Beginning Of The End


March of the Pigs



The Frail

The Wretched



Help Me I Am In Hell





The DayWorld Went Away

The Good Solider

No You Don't


Dead Souls

Hand That Feeds

Head Like A Hole

One day breather, next up, Wolves!!
Can't wait.

Monday, 20 August 2007

Tiny Masters of Today, Walsall Library

On Friday, Lisa, Kirsty, Elizabeth, Lucy, Dave, Danny, Evan, Roy, Colin, and I went to see ‘Tiny Master of Today’ live at Walsall Library.

Their debut album has contributions from the Yeah Yah Yeah’s, Fred Schneider, and Gibby Haynes of the Butthole Surfers. The album is produced, and all the drumming is done by Russell Simmins of the Blues Explosion. The two main band members are 12 and 10 years old respectively. This was one odd gig. Whereas the vocals are distorted heavily on the album, live, they sound exactly for what they are, children’s voices. The tunes are very catchy, and there was something really great about watching kids that age playing good garage music, and seeing the honest excitement on their faces.

They finished with a cover of House of Pain’s Jump Around, which was in the charts before they were even conceived I’m guessing! Kirsty enjoyed the gig but was scared to meet the band afterwards. As a huge Blues Explosion fan, I met Russell Simmins for a chat, but although he was rather distant, albeit pleasantly. Confusing I know. Incidentally, Russell Simmins looked somewhat alarmingly similar to prize arse Chris Moyles, with a kinky fro’!