Wednesday 27 February 2008

Friday to Wednesday

Not much blog update action of late, you may have noticed. This has been due to a combination of both A: Laziness, and B: Illness.

Let’s do a roundup.


Not much happened. Called Jon. We’re going to do the two Carter gigs in November we think. Warned Jon that he won’t have a nice bed to sleep on, as homelessness is impending, unless we find a nice new gaff quick. Jon’s was (obviously) okay with this, as we’ve slept on enough floors over the years. Once at some bizarre tiny street in Wales, we even stayed in a loft. Not a loft conversion, a loft!

Friday.Roy and I went to see Hot Chip at the Wulfrun. I love Hot Chip, but I had reservations over their latest album ‘Made in the Dark’ when I first heard it. It has over time grown on me however, to the extent of me actually thinking it is a better album than ‘The Warning’. Live they were fantastic, but unfortunately it was a marred gig due to a really quiet sound. The audience were really loud, the band was really REALLY enjoying the gig, but I couldn’t make out a word. It put a bit of a damper on it, but no fault of Hot Chip’s. By the encore the sound was sorted.

SaturdayA nasty stomach bug kicked in. I’ll leave out the details, other than bad pain.

Sunday. Finally watched ‘Anatomy of a Murder’. I’m really getting into James Stewart films, but not the westerns. I just can’t get into westerns. Tonight I’m going to watch ‘Harvey’.

Monday. Stomach bug finally died, so I took Kirsty to see U23D at the Imax in Birmingham. I’m not a big U2 fan. I don’t dislike them, and have seen them twice on the Popmart time, once at Wembley and once at Leeds. U23D was fantastic, better than you could expect. Intense. Kirsty loved it, especially her favourite U2 song ‘Sunday Bloody Sunday’. I spent a lot of the time looking at her reaction, and she was clapping after songs (which I had to restrain myself from also doing), dancing on her seat to Vertigo/Sunday/The Fly etc. In fact, when The Fly kicked up, along with some rather intense flashy ZOO TV style text thrusting at you, I heard her shout “Brilliant”!
What more recommendation do you need than that? I’m off again on Friday with Lisa and Roy.

When I got home, Lisa and me watched Juno. First ten minutes I thought it was going to be bad, but was pleasantly surprised. It isn’t as great as the press would have you believe, it’s a fairly derivative of Wes Anderson films, only not as good. Not rubbish mind.

Tuesday. We finally got to watch ‘The Red Shoes’ a Korean tale based upon the Hans Christian Anderson film. The adaption was brilliant, if not baffling. Genuine creepiness prevailed throughout the movie, which has been lacking in quite a few Asian horror films since the explosion of J-cinema a few years back.
One o clock in the morning, I was shook around the bed (I tend to lean on the wall). Something felt off. I was quite nervy, and in quite a dreamlike state. I asked Lisa (a heavy sleeper) “Did the house move”. She thought I’d disorientated her a little bit but admitted she felt the bed flutter. She probably thought it was one of my turnings. I don’t stay still for a second I swear.

Imagine my joy this morning (Wednesday) to find out it was an earthquake. I no longer have to feel silly for asking, “Did the house move?”

Friday 22 February 2008

Not everything, but lot's must go.. .look, click, buy!

We're selling things. Not everything, but quite a lot. Take a look at the ebay link, (The pic above signfies cd's and dvd's, yet I am not selling any cornelius, who's reflection is glaring at you from said disks!)

Funkychild and the dentist

Elizabeth's first trip to the dentist was fine, she behaved impeccably. Well, she did whilst she was in the dentist chair. She sat down nicely, opened wide and let the dentist do his thing, she complained not a jot. She just played up in the waiting room!
Kirsty's falling out teeth proved to be nothing to worry about. Kirsty sucks her thumb and we felt that it may have pushed her babyteeth forward, but this proved not to be the case. Lisa was fine.


Well, I had a lot of work done a while back when I decided to beat my phobia. One of the jobs was a root canal, that the dentist said may not work, but is worth trying before an extraction. Alas, it didn't work. I've got to have a tooth out, and a replacement filling on my front tooth (plus an oustdanding cap, and one further extraction). This won't make me look shane mcgowanesque at all, they're all out of the way teeth, and when you consider I didn't go to a dentist in over 10 years, i've not done too bad!

Thursday 21 February 2008

Thursday - nothing to see here

We're all off to:
I have a dodgy front tooth and wisodom tooth, they both look fine, but sporadically punch the insides of my mouth for no reason, so i'm expecting this trip to the dentist to be a precursor to a nightmare!
Plus it's Elizabeth's 1st check up, which will be fun!

Sunday 17 February 2008


I'm bored. It's Sunday afternoon, Lisa's working, Kirsty's out, Elizabeth is watching Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse. I've done the ironing. Exciting day.

Monday 11 February 2008

Gallery. Park. Zoo.

Over the past weekend I took Elizabeth, Kirsty, and Kirsty's schoolfriend Kieran out and about. On Saturday we went to the 10th birthday party of Walsall Art Gallery, and on the Sunday we went to the Zoo at Drayton Manor Park, followed by the park. Unfortunately my camera fell out of a rip in the undercompartment on the pushchair, but after a phone call to Drayton Manor this morning I found out that the camera had been handed in.

Subsequently, we spent a second day at the Zoo, followed by a Wimpy where the kids got to make their own colourful animal masks. Not a bad couple of days all in all (bar the camera incident!).

Thursday 7 February 2008

sign o the times

How times change in 5 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!