Saturday 7 June 2008

Shop Smart?

We went to Asda in Tamworth today, officially the most patronizing shithole of a supermarket I've ever visited. Last time I went, I caught the pushchair on a corner guard, which took all of .5 of a second to manouver away from. The store 'Helper' (asda speak for mistreated minimum wage slave) stepped in to tell me next time to go a different route! I was so close to telling him what route he should go. I then realised he's employed by WalMart, America's worst employer, fastly becoming the UK's worst employer also. Poor fella, no wonder he's jumping on people to show his authority.

Anyway, yesterday. Me and Lisa were out and about when I decided I might get some new clothes. I suggest Asda. I hate the place, but it has a large clothing section (that accomodates for my large size!). Lisa agreed this was a good idea, as she could pick up some chicken for the evening dinner (i'm dieting, to reduce aforementioned size).

We get to asda, pick up our bits and bobs and go to the till. Upon payment of our handful of goods, I notice there are no bags bar the 15p 'bag for life', you know, the one's that last about 3 trips.

"Would you like some of those bags" asks the poor lady on the till

"no thanks" I reply.

"Do you want some free carier bags?" she responds.

"yes please". I only need two bags, one for clothes, one for food.

"Okay, BUT next time remember to bring bags with you".

The cheeky shithead. Excuse my french but THE PLANET IS NOT IN DECLINE. IT'S ALL BOLLOCKS TO GET YOU TO SPEND MONEY ON 'ENVIROMENTALLY FREINDLY BULLSHIT. Unfortunately most people are either insanely dumb, or creationists and don't recognise this.

I spend money with a company only for them to treat me like a kid who's not handed in his homework. Sorry miss, the dog ate my carrier bags. I shall have the environmentally damaging mutt put down and it won't happen again.

Incidentally, should I take out some ski's in the future, you know, in case I randomly decide to go ski-ing. How about in future trips out I take out with me some string, in case I pass a wedding and want to affix some string to the wedding car.

HOW CAN I FORGET TO BRING CARRIER BAGS ON A SPUR OF THE MOMENT DECISION TO VISIT THE SHOP. And how dare you try to talk down to me as if I'm a child.

I nearly exploded three or four times, but kept calm and just repeated to myself

"it's only walmart, it's only walmart, it's only walmart.

The irony is laughable.

Here's a random pic of me in my new booshgear, with my favourite new dvd. (oh and incidentally, please buy energy efficient plug converters for your pc if you're planning on reading my blog again, or thom yorke will track you down on his pushbike, cut you up, fertilize you for crop farming, and blather on about how the carbon footprint has been reduced by blah blah).

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