Sunday 26 May 2013

13th May:

The sticks in the garden out the front of our neighbours house were pointing into the road. As I swerved around a parked car to pull into our drive, it caught the car and scratched the side from one door to another.

I didn't complain, there is absolutely no point. I took photo's though. I also removed the stick a couple of times, but they keep putting them back.

When I went to the hairdressers yesterday, they asked if I was the one who had removed their stick and thrown it near the shops, which I didn't. They said, they're not surprised, as Bill & Mary are having a pop at everyone at the moment. The latest victim is the fella with the blue BMW, they've told him not to park outside their house. It is a public road. He can park wherever he wants as long as it's not infront of their dropkerb driveway, which it isn't.

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