Saturday 17 February 2007

Matt Berry – Wolverhampton Civic Bar – 16th February 2007

If you’re wondering who Matt Berry is, chances are you’ve seen him on many fine comedy works over various TV channels here in the U.K.
Matt has played roles such as ‘Dixon Bainbridge’ in ‘The Mighty Boosh’, and ‘Todd Rivers’ in ‘Garth Marenghi’s Dark Place’, as well as both appearing in, and co-writing ‘Snuff Box’ with Rich Fulcher. Matt also has written music for the afore-mentioned programmes, and released two albums, the latest of which, ‘Opium’, for which this tour is to promote.

Live, this was definitely a gig as opposed to a comedy event. Sure, some of the lyrical content is downright hilarious, especially when heard through Berry’s booming voice, a voice you could imagine as perfect for audio books, but it was pure gig. Track after track, Matt, backed by Jonas 3, brewed up a veritable banquet of MOR funk, and 70’s rock, all in a fun way, without ever coming across as kitsch or clichéd.

Once the gig finished, and whilst not in full-on interview mode, I collared Matt backstage for a bit of a chinwag. Matt’s told me that the response to this, his first music tour, has been fantastic, which I can agree with after watching the packed civic’s response. Due to this response, Matt has decided to play some more gigs in May, including one in Birmingham. TV wise, Matt will be appearing in the next series of ‘The I.T Crowd’, as the son of Chris Morris’s character. Films are also on the agenda for Matt. There is talk of a Garth Marenghi film, though this is still just that, talk, but there is a leading role in the upcoming horror film “The Devil’s Chair”.

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