Friday 16 February 2007

The Noisettes – Wolverhampton Little Civic 15/02/07

Some people get a lot of junk mail. I get something worse than that. I get cd’s from promotion companies. 9.9 times out of ten, they are abysmal, but every now and again you get a real gem. A few months back I got “what’s the time Mr. Wolf” by The Noisettes through my door. It didn’t leave my car stereo for an age.

Whenever I’m near a campfire I’ll inevitably have to leave at some point, due to the acrid, chokey, uncomfortable, nauseating stench that hit’s me in the back of my throat. That is caused by Plastic. This is the effect I’ve had at a lot of gigs of late, and it’s by the band’s I’ve unfortunately chosen to view’s plasticity. Thank god this wasn’t the case tonight.

Support came from Mayor McCa ( who came across as a drunken one-man badly drawn band, but was funny and highly watchable. Infinitely more of substance than the Klaxons were on Monday/
The Noisettes came on and played for about an hour. 60 full minutes of fantastic noisy, spiky, full-on rock and roll action.

When I really love a band, I feel a sense of pride when watching them, I guess akin to a parent watch their child score a winning goal at a footy match. This is the feeling I got tonight as The Noisettes ploughed through fantastic track (Sister Rosetta), after fantastic track (The Bridge to Canada), after fantastic track (Don’t give up). I felt proud in my association as ‘fan’ and The Noisettes should be pleased to have re-introduced me to proper gig’s, for the first time in a long time!

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