Tuesday 8 May 2007

Bank Holiday Action

This bank holiday weekend, Lisa changed her hours so we could go to a car boot sale on the Saturday. At the boot sale it was business as usual, Lisa picked up loads of baby clothes, and I got hold of baby books and toys, along with Quake (Nine Inch Nails Soundtrack Version), and a giraffe’s head.

On the nighttime, me and a friend that I haven’t seen for a few years went to see Spiderman 3. We decided on Star City so that I could get some drinks from the Casino, as they’re free free free (Soft drinks that is). Unfortunately, Spiderman 3 had sold out, so we decided to try Showcase Erdington. It had just started, so we snuck in. We missed the first 30 mins, but it seemed like we hadn’t actually missed anything of importance, (I’ve now seen the first 30mins and my prognosis was correct). What a let down Spidey3 is. The tacky 70’s homage had me cringing. I didn’t mind the ‘too many villains’ aspect, I just thought it lacked the depth I was expecting it to carry. I made a mental note to watch Batman Begins again, to right the wrongs!

The next day I got some new trainers from Sports World. in Tamworth (not the branch pictured, consistency fans!), where the price on display turned out to be cheaper than the price given to me at the till, by one-pound. When I bought this up, they called the manager over, who implied that I had moved the price so to get a one-pound discount. What an idiot. I asked her to follow me to where I got the trainers from, and proudly pointed out the offending price ticket. The one that is about seventeen foot from the floor, the one I had to get a staff member to REACH for me, because it’s off floor level. She caved in and gave me the trainers at the price displayed. I know it’s only a pound, but it’s the principle. And to imply I was price-ticket swapping!!! That’s illegal. But at Sports World, it must be okay to imply all your honest customers are in fact criminals.

Having my mate back home for a few weeks, gave me the perfect excuse to go out for a few drinks, something I haven’t done since Ibiza with Roy, and something I haven’t done in my hometown for about three years. You would think that I’d grown unaccustomed to drinking and would be staggering about drunk, making a fool of myself in no time. Alas, this was not the case. It seems that drinking is like driving (what a purposely bad choice for a metaphor!). Once you learn, you don’t forget, which meant that a quick pint of Guinness turned into a pub-crawl. Lisa was in bed when I got back, so we drunkenly ate up a Chinese and watched South Park and Chappelles Show. My mate crashed on the couch and was rudely awoken by Kirsty 6 hours later.

The next morning, a mild hangover beckoned. This was cured with a dose of ibuprofen, diet coke, crisps, and Batman Begins. Once the Guinness murk had lifted, we took a trip to what is now known by us as ‘the rudest place on earth’, the One Stop Shopping Centre at Perry Barr, Birmingham.

A while back, a survey was done to find out where the rudest place in Britain was, and Birmingham won. I never understood this as I know there are other places far from brum where I’ve encountered much ruder people (Scotland), but now I realise the people doing the survey must have been in the Perry Barr region of Birmingham. Many, many people, got in our way, and refused to move. Not one person behind a till produced any variant of a ‘please’, or a ‘thank you’. When we were in aisles, and people wanted to get past, they just stared and tutted, or said ‘scuse’. The shopping centre is grim. The people are grim. I walked away empty-handed, yet with the knowledge that I may be many things, but impolite is surely not one of them!
So, it’s now Tuesday, the bank holiday is over and it’s business as usual, Kirsty at School, Lisa ready for work, and I’m going to do the ironing. All exciting stuff. At least the vacuuming has been taken care of:

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