Wednesday 9 May 2007

Prequel to Bank Holiday - Brett Anderson, Wolverhampton Wulfrun Hall 05/05/07

I completely failed to mention the game we had finding a babysitter on Saturday evening. Lisa and myself were off out to see Brett Anderson, formerly of Suede, and The Tears. Everyone and their dog were busy that night, but thankfully Lisa’s parents came good in the end. I say thankfully, but at the time it didn’t seem that way, as I really am not a fan of Brett Anderson. Once upon a time I was at the Reading festival and Suede was headlining one of the nights. My friend nick really wanted to go to see U2 at Wembley Stadium. I didn’t like U2 either, but they were the worse of two evils, and he was paying.

I saw the tears with Lisa, and it wasn’t too bad. I’ve heard some of the new Brett Anderson solo album and it’s failed to grow on me. So far.

So Lisa’s parents kindly baby-sit so that Lisa can enjoy Brett whilst I arm myself with something to whinge about (in writing, I wouldn’t want to ruin Lisa’s time!).
We get to the venue just in time for Brett to take the stage. When we saw The Tears, he was very stationary, but this time round the first thing I noticed was that the posing was back. This was proper Freddie Mercury posing. Between tracks he kept urging us to liven up, after all, we’re from the home of rock right?


Which is why no one was to keen on dreary ballad after dreary ballad, which is unfortunately what was being peddled over the first 30 mins of the gig. After this though, the Brett Anderson Live Experience transmogrified from bland to blasting, and were fantastic. Belting out Suede track after Suede track, followed with some stuff from The Tears, followed by more Suede stuff. There was an acoustic interlude, which worked (they so rarely do), then finally ‘Beautiful Ones’ which sounded like a souped up hardcore-suede. The gig ended up surprising me, and it was well worth waiting through the solo-ballads which no doubt will grow on me and sound great in the right environment, such as chilling at home, rather than in a live venue.

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