Wednesday 17 June 2015

They're warming up again

Can you believe it?

If they could've waited just one month then it'd have been an entire year since our neighbours had a pop at us for some minute reason or the other.

July 15th, 2015.
Put the bins out - unusually, we have three bins this time due to the gardening bin being full (only the case twice a year). Two bins went on the path, one on the side of the (council owned but public) grass verge outside the neighbours house (Layout: House in a dip, steep incline, wall, public footpath, then said grass.)

When I went to go to bed, I popped out front to lock the doors only to find they had moved the bin from the grass and hid it behind my car. I popped my shoes back on, went outside and placed the bin back on the grass.

When I woke up, the bin had been moved again, this time it was placed in the road itself, placed against the bumper/bonnet of our car. They are being petty again. I said nothing.

July 17th 2015. I come home from the school run to find our parked chevrolet, the one on our drive, to be covered in stones, on the grill at the front, and stones all on our drive, as if they've been thrown (like a prat, I didn't take pics for a change, never thought of it - such is a year off, i'm off guard!)

I swept them up and calmly and gently threm them onto the large area of stones that is the neighbours garden, a garden that dipped, surrounded by fence, and not accessible to passing public.


They're warming up again.

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